DeLuxe Super Hi-Flow Bottle Valve From Nitrous Supply
DeLuxe Super Hi-Flow Bottle Valve From Nitrous Supply
Product: DeLuxe Super Hi-Flow Bottle Valve From Nitrous Supply
Address: 15552 Producer Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Contact: Mike Thermos
Phone: +1 (714) 373-1986
Nitrous Supply now offers an upgrade to its popular Super Hi-Flow bottle valve that looks as good as it performs. The DeLuxe model of the Super Hi-Flow valve features a polished surface and premium chrome plating. On the inside are the same important features that deliver improved performance. The 135° nitrous flow-path is superior to standard designs that have a 90° bend. Other enhancements include a 1/8 NPT gauge port and an AN-8 “racer safety port” that facilitates routing a pressure discharge out-side of the vehicle. There is a 1/4 NPT port to facilitate use of a NANO-type pressurized assist. A 1/2” siphon tube is standard. Racers seeking optimum performance and safety can step up to Ni-trous Supply’s exclusive Outlaw Power Valve, which is lever-actuated (in-stead of a screw handle) and can be attached to a pull cable to facilitate shutting off the nitrous from outside the vehicle. It also has a straight flow path and a big 5/8” siphon tube. For additional information on the bottle valves, and other nitrous oxide system components, visit or for personalized technical assistance call 714-373-1986. Located in Huntington Beach, California, Nitrous Supply also offers N2O bottle filling, system plumbing and other services.

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